Courtyard, Chelyabinsk

05-May-2024 Sunday
- And from our window the white Tesla is visible!

21-March-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “And from our window there are mountains of dog shit!”

21-September-2023 Thursday
Who cares, but I scoff at the photos taken by my wife

20-March-2023 Monday
It's hard to imagine a more comfortable place than this.

18-December-2019 Wednesday
How we ran for chewing gum in childhood

24-June-2019 Monday
In Chelyabinsk, a man calling himself a policeman ran over two people

27-September-2018 Thursday
Garbage sea in Chelyabinsk.

31-March-2017 Friday
Harsh Chelyabinsk morning

17-May-2016 Tuesday
Something went wrong....

16-October-2014 Thursday
Here is a car in one of the Chelyabinsk yards
